And we’re back at the beginning. How fitting that this 22 day journey started with The Magician, and ended with … More 22 days of BATS 2014. Day Twenty-Two: The Fool
Month: August 2014
22 days of BATS 2014. Day Twenty-One: The Devil
The Devil is in the details, but so are the secrets of the universe. Everything isn’t made of earth, fire, water, … More 22 days of BATS 2014. Day Twenty-One: The Devil
22 days of BATS 2014. Day Twenty: The World!
BATS 2014, day one! How fitting the card of the day is The World; for BATS is a crossroads of … More 22 days of BATS 2014. Day Twenty: The World!
22 days of BATS 2014. Day Nineteen: The Sun
The Sun is often described as ‘the source of all life and energy on Earth.’ But the Sun is so … More 22 days of BATS 2014. Day Nineteen: The Sun
22 days of BATS 2014. Day Eighteen: The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man is about patience and perspective. But day lets turn it a bit more around and seek an … More 22 days of BATS 2014. Day Eighteen: The Hanged Man
22 days of BATS 2014. Day Seventeen: The Lovers
Who’s your partner-in-crime? What plans require collaboration and partnership and help? Tomorrow’s post is about The Hanged Man!
22 days of BATS 2014. Day Sixteen: The Star
” Twinkle Twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are.” Stars have always represented mystery and wonder. From the … More 22 days of BATS 2014. Day Sixteen: The Star
22 days of BATS 2014. Day Fifteen: The Hermit
Patron saint of Introverts? Since introverts need time for themselves; to recharge, relocate their center, and process all that they … More 22 days of BATS 2014. Day Fifteen: The Hermit
22 days of BATS 2014. Day Fourteen: The Emperor
Most of the time, the Emperor card is associated with authority and command. But today I think about patience. After all, … More 22 days of BATS 2014. Day Fourteen: The Emperor
22 days of BATS 2014. Day Thirteen: The Chariot
“Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer, and Vixen! On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Donder and Blitzen!” The Chariot is about … More 22 days of BATS 2014. Day Thirteen: The Chariot